MSPP #39: Scouting Commercials (Celebrities)

on May 31, 2008 in podcast, Promotion

Every business knows that you need to advertise well to bring people through your front door, or to your website in this digital world. Companies hire ad agencies to produce commercials for television and the internet, and to design graphic ads for newspapers and magazines.

Unfortunately, this is one area I personally feel that is lacking in the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA does a great job of promoting itself to its own leaders and members (like preaching to the choir, huh?), but I do not see much promotion geared toward the general public. Available funds could be part of the problem, after all, it costs money to place ads on television and in magazines and newspapers.

During the last twenty years or so, I have collected a variety of Scouting commercials and promotion videos. With this post I would like to share three commercials with you. These commercials were created years ago by the Boy Scouts of America. I copied them from a video tape that the council had, and then put them on my computer some time ago.

This post includes three thirty second commercials. The first features Steve Young, the NFL quarterback, who was a Cub Scout. The second features Jim Lovell, and Eagle Scout who became an astronaut. The third features Scott Mitchell, another quarterback who also happens to be an Eagle Scout.

I hope the BSA does not mind that I am posting this commercials as part of the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast. I am just trying to get these out to as many people as possible. Hopefully, a few new boys and parents will be drawn to the Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs by watching these commercials and other Scouting videos online.

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