Outside of Scouting

on September 14, 2007 in Blog, podcast

One thing that is exciting about being a blogger is when you write something that gets noticed and read by many. It seems that I have written a couple articles over the past year that have been popular reading for a several people. It is very exciting when a post is found noteworthy enough to be mentioned on other people’s blogs. I am always amazed when I find links on other Scouting blogs that mention an article from “A Scoutmaster’s Blog”.

So you can imagine my surprise to find my blog listed on a non-Scouting related site. It has not happened very often, but it did happen this week. The newest video of Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, has been found worthy to be mentioned on a blog that covers puppetry. The PuppetVision Blog does a weekly post called “Weekly Puppet Web Series Round Up” in which the writer highlights puppet videos he has discovered and enjoyed. I guess he liked the video of Buttons asking the question “You know you are a Boy Scout when…” I would like to thank Andrew for adding Buttons and “A Scoutmaster’s Blog” to his list of puppetry sites.

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