Archive for April 8th, 2010

Opening ceremony Melrose Boy Scout Troop 68 holds four courts of honor per year. We begin with an opening ceremony, followed by the presentation of year pins and merit badges, a short entertainment spot by the Scouts, recognition of Scouts who have earned a rank, and finish with a closing ceremony. Refreshments and announcements wrap up the evening.

Our court of honor ceremonies usually consist of three parts: something patriotic, something Scouting, and an invocation. It is a nice solemn beginning to the meeting. Once in awhile though, the boys get into one of those moods. You know, the giggles begin, or something goes wrong. Unpredictability reigns.

The opening at our March court of honor started well, but the little things soon started. The snickering began. The Scouts had decided to do a Scout Law candle lighting ceremony. Boy Scouts. Matches. Candles. The Scout Law. And that the movie playing in the next room was loud enough for us to hear easily in our room. You can probably guess what happened. If not, you can watch this post to the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast to see it for yourself.

Has your troop ever had an opening or closing ceremony go slightly astray? Share it with us by leaving a comment below.

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MSPPApril 3rd happened to be a Tuesday during the year of 2007. After months of thought, planning, and preparing it was time to begin my new project. It was time to begin the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast by posting the first video. That first video featured Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, reciting the Scout Oath. Since then, he has starred in nearly two dozen videos and taken on a life of his own. He is also a co-host of the Around The Scouting Campfire podcast.

There are currently 83 videos posted to the Melrose Scouting Production Podcast. In addition to the shorts with Buttons there are video of Boy Scout skits, songs, stories, and interviews with people involved in the Scout program. That is an average of over two videos per month. I was amazed to discover that it would take nearly nine hours to watch them all.

To tell the truth, I did not think I would be posting Scouting videos three years later. I did not think I would have enough material to keep going that long. I just wanted to share the video I already had on my computer. But new things kept coming up that provided me with new footage to keep producing new videos.

I hope you have enjoyed watching the videos over the last three years. It has been fun making them. Spread the word about them to you friends and people you know within the Scouting program. When I see the download numbers growing it kinda gets me excited about posting more videos. I also want to thank Chris (and Bob) and the other folks at PTC Media for accepting MSPP as one of the family of Scouting podcast found on the site, and for the encouragement to keep posting new videos.

What have been your favorite videos over the years?