Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

It began on May 18, 2006. There was this scoutmaster (me) who thought it would be a great idea to start an online journal (blog) about his career as a Scout leader (only one hour a week). Since then he has posted 45 entries (this one is #46) covering a variety of topics.

Now, the question is…. is it worth it?

One of the frustrating things about writing a blog is wondering if anyone actually reads it, and what they think about it when they do read it. During the last eight months I have received approximately a dozen comments left on blog entries. I have also received several emails from people relating to the blog. I get the impression that these people have been enjoying the blog.

There have been a couple high points. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the “Ten Reasons To Be An Adult Leader” was popular enough to be linked to from a couple other websites. Recently, I was reading one of the Scouting forums in which I am a member, when I noticed that someone commented that this blog was a “must read for all”. I smiled to myself a few days after reading that one.

I do not consider myself to be a great writer. I know I will never make a living from writing. I have had people tell me that I write like I speak, and that is just fine with me. I have no intention to be anyone other then who I am.

Now, I have a few questions for you, the reader of this blog. Who are you? Where are you from? Do you hold a position in Scouting? Are there some topics you would like to see covered in this blog? Do you like it just the way it is?

Answer the question. Leave a comment or two. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read “A Scoutmaster’s Blog”.

Hello friends of Scouting,

As the year comes to an end I want to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Great New Year.

As many of you have come to realize during the past twelve months, I am heavily into Scouting. I also like to play with photography, video, and websites. Although I have been the webmaster for our Boy Scout troop’s site for over eight years this has been the first year dabbling with placing video on the internet. I have uploaded over forty Scouting related videos to and to the new video section on our troop’s website. My collection of Scouting commercials and promotions is now online, along with several short clips of Scouts from my troop doing skits and songs during their annual community Laughs For Lunch Show. I shall continue to post more as they become available to me.

I have also experimented with making videos with a puppet I like to call Buttons, the radical Boy Scout. Making the four videos has been fun, as much fun as seeing the number of views climb as people watch them. The best part of the videos that feature Buttons has been the emails from people telling me how much they and their children have enjoyed them. Keep an eye out for more of Buttons. I have three more videos planned for him to star in.

This has also been my first year experimenting with blogging (online journal). I have been trying to write at least one blog a week. It has been great to see that some people have actually been reading “A Scoutmaster’s Blog”. In fact, it has become one of the most hit pages on our troop’s website. The real surprise came when I discovered that a couple of my entries had been mentioned on other websites. I have heard that most blogs are discontinued after three months, so I guess I have already done better then most bloggers. If I see that people keep reading my blog, then I plan to keep writing entries to it.

I would like to thank all of you, my Scouting brothers and sisters, who have watched the videos and read the blogs. Your views and comments have made the work worthwhile.

May you all have a great Scouting New Year.