Create Scouting Certificates

on October 31, 2008 in court of honor

I recently received an email from Greg Jameson asking me to review a new “widget” on his website that allows Scout leaders to create certificates for all kinds of functions, activities, and awards. I took a quick look at it, and to tell the truth. I was a bit impressed. The site includes a lot of options.

You begin with choosing a template, either vertical or horizontal. There is 48 horizontal options, and 40 vertical options. All of them look sharp. Next, you choose from 68 “gold seals” for your certificate, and then one of six colors of ribbons for the seal. In the fourth step you choose what will be printed on the final certificate. I did some quick math and discovered there are over 107,000 variations of the backgrounds, seal, ribbons, and ribbon locations. (88 x 68 x 6 x 3) Wow!

Now you just need some nice parchment on which to print the certificates, and wallah, you have a great looking presentation for your pack or troop. Give it a try and see what you think of it. I think Greg did a great job. You will find this resource at:

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