25 Years as Scoutmaster

on September 14, 2006 in Anniversary, Leadership

Well, it has finally happened. I guess you could even call it a milestone. I have been the scoutmaster of Melrose Troop 68 for 25 years! A quarter of a century. Over half of my life. I thought I was scoutmaster for a long time when boys started joining the troop who were born after I became scoutmaster. Now I have parents of Scouts who are younger then I am.

When I look back at those 25 years I have a lot of great memories. Oh, there are a few memories that are not so great, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed most of my time spent with the program.

As this milestone approached I began to think about all the time I have spent on Scouting, and what the statistics would look like. I would like to use this blog to share those stats with you.

I have been to 18 week-long summer camps. I have been to Philmont Scout Ranch six times, five on a trek and one for scoutmaster training. I have been to the High Knoll Trail of Virginia, and Charles Sommers Canoe Base in the BWCA. In 2001, I was the scoutmaster of Troop 1417 at the BSA National Jamboree.

I have attended nearly 270 monthly troop outings. Over 170 of these were weekend camping trips and activities. I have been to 25 troop yearly planning sessions, over 270 committee meetings, and close to 275 patrol leader council meetings. I have lost track of how many district roundtables I have attended.

There has been over 100 courts of honor held during those years. I have seen fifteen Boy Scouts from Troop 68 receive the rank of Eagle Scout. Twenty-two other Scouts made it to the rank of Life Scout. Nearly 250 boys have had me as their scoutmaster.

These statistics represent the time I have spent with the Scouts of Troop 68. They do not include the time spent on the district, council, or national level.

After 25 years I can honestly say that I have enjoyed, and been honored, to spend this time with the Boy Scouts of Melrose. I would like to thank them, their parents, and everyone who has helped with the troop over the years.

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