Archive for September 5th, 2019

I was a Boy Scout for three and one half years in the 1970s. I became an assistant scoutmaster of Troop 68 in June 1980, and the scoutmaster in September 1981. I currently serve on the troop and pack committees. I recently decided it was time to fill out the paperwork for the 40 Year Veteran Pin of the Boy Scouts of America.

After a little searching, I discovered I do have a pin for 10, 15, and 20 years of service. I guess I did not think about it much after receiving the 20 year pin since I am not finding one for the years that followed. I must not have filled out an application for the following pins.

It seems, at least in my council, that the council office does not keep records of these awards very well. I discovered this fact when I brought in my application for the 40 year pin. I was missing a couple dates and was hoping that the council would be able to look up the previous records so that I could write in the correct information. Imagine my surprise when there was not a record of me ever receiving a Veteran Pin in the council database.

I was shocked, to be quite frank. In fact, they did not have many records of any of the awards I had earned over the last 40 years. The only ones listed in the database were the District Award of Merit, and the Silver Beaver Award. I had expected better record keeping than this on the council level.

I filled out the rest of the application for the B.S.A. 40 Year Veteran Pin as accurately I was able and turned it in the the person at the front counter of the council office. I wonder if this will now be added to the information about my Scouting tenure or if it will be deleted/thrown away after I receive my pin.

I have a question, and I have not had the opportunity yet to ask anyone on the council level yet. Now that I have turned in my 40 year application, is it possible to get the pins I am missing? I am referring to the 25, 30, and 35 veteran year pins.