Archive for October 3rd, 2016

posterTonight kicked off the ticket sales for Boy Scout Troop 68’s fall fundraiser. The spaghetti supper will be held at the Melrose American Legion on Saturday, October 29th. Serving will be from 5:00 to 8:00 in the evening.

The troop usually does pretty well on its meals fundraisers. In the spring we held a pancake and sausage breakfast that did very well. The spaghetti supper will be done in the same manner. The Scouts will have three and a half weeks to go out and sell tickets. Adult tickets will cost $7.00 in advance, and will be 50 cents more at the door. Children’s tickets are $5.00 each, also 50 cents more at the door. Children age 4 and under eat for free. Presales are the key to having a great fundraiser so we encourage the Scouts to do they best the can.

The parents will be in charge of the food preparation the day of the meal. The Boy Scouts will set and clean tables and wash some of the dishes. We do require at least one parent or guardian from each family help out the day of the meal. We often have other family members helping out also.

The meals do require everyone to work hard that evening (or morning) but the results at the end of the day make it all worthwhile. Not only does the troop earn money for the costs of the program, but the Scouts also earn credit that they can apply to camp. It is a win-win all around.