Archive for April, 2010

MSPPApril 3rd happened to be a Tuesday during the year of 2007. After months of thought, planning, and preparing it was time to begin my new project. It was time to begin the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast by posting the first video. That first video featured Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, reciting the Scout Oath. Since then, he has starred in nearly two dozen videos and taken on a life of his own. He is also a co-host of the Around The Scouting Campfire podcast.

There are currently 83 videos posted to the Melrose Scouting Production Podcast. In addition to the shorts with Buttons there are video of Boy Scout skits, songs, stories, and interviews with people involved in the Scout program. That is an average of over two videos per month. I was amazed to discover that it would take nearly nine hours to watch them all.

To tell the truth, I did not think I would be posting Scouting videos three years later. I did not think I would have enough material to keep going that long. I just wanted to share the video I already had on my computer. But new things kept coming up that provided me with new footage to keep producing new videos.

I hope you have enjoyed watching the videos over the last three years. It has been fun making them. Spread the word about them to you friends and people you know within the Scouting program. When I see the download numbers growing it kinda gets me excited about posting more videos. I also want to thank Chris (and Bob) and the other folks at PTC Media for accepting MSPP as one of the family of Scouting podcast found on the site, and for the encouragement to keep posting new videos.

What have been your favorite videos over the years?

There has been a lot written about the Kindle vs. the iPad debate. My question is this, is either one useful for the wonderful world of Scouting? I do not own either one, but I do see possible uses for both gadgets.

Amazon’s Kindle, an e-book reader, would seem like a natural place for a Boy Scout leader to gather a lot of Scouting information in one place. Like a Boy Scout Handbook. Like a scoutmaster handbook. Like program helps and the Guide To Safe Scouting. I hear the Kindle is easy to read outdoors. Imagine having all this information on one devise at summer camp. And I could download novels to read while I relax in the campsite. No more paperback books to pack.

Unfortunately, the Kindle is a grayscale devise so there would not be any color photos. I have read that the Kindle is not very friendly with pdf files so that eliminates much of what is found on Worse of all though is that there is not much Scouting related material available on, other than the first Boy Scout handbook and a few books written by people about the program.

The iPad sounds more promising since it is closer to a netbook. There are already several Scouting themed programs available for the iPod Touch which I think would be easy to reformat to an iPad. The Boy Scout Handbook is available in the app store. I understand pdf files will work well on the iPad so the Guide To Safe Scouting and other files could be used on the gadget.

However, I am hearing about a few drawbacks. I could easily see myself using the device on camping trips, like summer camp, which means I would be using it outside. I have been reading that the iPad screen is hard to see in sunlight and reflections can be pretty bad. The ten hour battery life is not very long when you are away from a power source for three days or more. Game apps and movies could be very distracting, especially when the Scouts start wanting to play with it.

As it stand right now, I do not see a reason to get either device to assist me as a Boy Scout leader. I will admit the iPad has more potential than the Kindle, but there is not enough there yet to justify the purchase.

What you think about using either devise to help you with the Scouting program in mind? Leave your comment below.