Archive for October 28th, 2008

It is time to announce the Buttons ’08 campaign! After all, isn’t it time we put someone in the White House who is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent? Isn’t it time for real change? Isn’t it time for someone to lead this country that has a sense of morals and can tell really bad jokes?

Join the campaign and order your buttons for Buttons ’08! You can order them at Hurry! The chance to order these buttons of support will disappear after the election.

I can’t guarantee that you will get the buttons before the election, but I hope we can count on you to help support the campaign. Yeah, I know, we should have started the campaign earlier, but we just did not have the funds to buy the newspaper ads and television spots. All we have is this blog and the buttons.

Show your support and get out and vote on November 4th!