Archive for September 7th, 2008

When I was a Boy Scout I attended summer camp at Parker Scout Reservation in Central Minnesota. We ate our evening meals in a dining hall. Once the troops were seated, one of the staff members would get up in front of the troops and lead us in a song. The Hole In The Ground song was one of the songs I learned during those meals.

The Hole In The Ground song is an audience participation song. The song leader sings a portion and the audience repeats it. Everyone joins in on the refrain. As the song continues it gets a lot longer and a whole lot faster. By the end of the song there are only a few people who will usually be able to keep up. It is a song that does require some practice if you plan to lead it.

Here are the words to the refrain of the song:

Well, in the ground, there was a hole, The prettiest little hole, that you ever did see. Well, the hole’s in the ground and the green grass grew all around and around. And the green grass grew all around. (The refrain will get longer with each verse.)

I invite you and your son(s) to watch this video posting to the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast and let me know if you were able to keep up with the singers. Learn it and use it during your next campfire program.

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