Archive for July 20th, 2008

Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, returns to the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast with a couple of new friends. Randall is a cousin of Buttons who is a bit more, shall we say, intellectual. Randall is more of a quiet bookworm and a bit of a geek, while Buttons is a bit more outgoing and seems to be hyped up on sugar most of the time. And then there is Bones, the dog who has always carries a bone with himself to gnaw on.

This is the first video to feature these three characters together, and probably will not be the last. During this film Buttons interrupts Randall’s reading time to tell a few jokes, and begins to get on Randall’s nerves just a bit. Bones pops in a couple of times to explain just how bad he thinks the jokes really are.

This is the first time I have created a video with three puppets. It was quite a challenge to create voices and characterizations for the two new puppets. All three puppets are operated and voiced by me. This is one of the few videos featuring Buttons that has actually requied a script for filming and editing.

I hope you enjoy this video. Please leave a comment here at the link below, or at the PTC Media forums, or at iTunes if you do enjoy it. Or drop me an email at

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