Boy Scout Troop 68, Melrose, MN

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Welcome to the troop 68's
1999 Highlight Gallery!
Click on the thumbnails to see the full size picture.
All photographs of property of Steve Borgerding and may not be reprinted without his permission.

Christmas Party
December 4, 1999

Troop 68 held its annual party at the Melrose City Center. Most of the troop members were in attendance. The Party began with the movie "Wild Wild West". Then the pizzas arrived and everyone got their fill of snacks, pizza, and pop. After the pizzas were consumed Santa Claus showed up to help with the gift exchange. Finally, the second movie, "October Sky", was played for those who wanted to watch it. Others played various games or spent the time visiting. All in all, a great time was had by everyone.

The first movie is over and its time to begin the gift exchange.

Santa Claus, a skinny one, arrived to helped with the gifts.

Scouts who brought a gift drew a number from the bag to see which gift they would receive.

The senior patrol and his staff assisted with presenting the gifts.

The scoutmaster tries to get the troop organized for a group picture.

The members of Troop 68, Melrose, on December 4, 1999.

Court Of Honor Held

Troop 68 presented a large amount of advancement during the court of honor held this fall. For all the information about who received what check out the advancement 99 page.

These guys earned
one merit badge each.

These Scouts each earned
two merit badges.

These guys were busy, each earning three or more merit badges.

Elections Held!

Troop 68 held elections for Patrol Leaders and the Senior Patrol Leader on Monday, September 13.
The results are as follows:
          Senior Patrol Leader - Jacob Duclos
          Aissistant Senior P.L. - Brent Oja
          Patrol Leaders: Falcons - 
                                 Cougars - Keith Faber
                                 Chipmunks - Benji Imdieke
                                 Dragons - Marc Wensmann
                                 Scorpions - Darin Christenson
                                 Hawks - Josh Duclos
Congratulations to all the new troop leaders!

Brent Oja: Eagle Scout!

   Brent Oja was presented with the Eagle Scout Rank during an award ceremony at the Melrose City Hall meeting rooms on Sunday, August 15, 1999. In addition to his own family many members of Troop 68 and friends were present to help celebrate this event.
   Several guest speakers spoke about Brent during the ceremony including his elementary teacher, Mary Linnemann, and his scoutmaster, Steve Borgerding. Daryl Oja, Brent's father, also said a few words. And, of course, now one was going to deny Brent his chance to speak.
   Mel-TV3 was on hand to tape the event for the local cable access channel. The Melrose Beacon had a great write-up and interview with Brent. It even made the front page!

Brent takes the Eagle Scout Pledge during the ceremony.

Scoutmaster Steve awards the Eagle Rank to Brent.

Brent presents his father with the Eagle Scout tie tack.

Eagle Scout Brent Oja and his family.

Some of the members of the Courageous Cougar Patrol.

Brent and his cousin get a chance to talk about Scouting.

May 7-9, 1999

   Six Boy Scouts from Troop 68 attended the Naganobe Lodge Order of the Arrow Spring Conclave Conclave.
   Three Scouts completed they ordeal membership requirements. Three others completed their brotherhood requirements. The conclave was held at Parker Scout Reservation near Merrifield, Minnesota.

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June 28, 1999
Parents vs. Scouts Softball Game

Each year the Scouts of Troop 68 challenge the parents and adult leaders to a softball game. The adults usually win, but this year the Scouts decided it was time for a change. The final score was Scouts 27, parents 9. Better luck next year, parents!

Root for the home team!

The adult team.

The Scout's team.

July 11-17, 1999
Summer Camp at Many Point Scout Camp

Thirty Boy Scouts from Melrose Troop 68 attended camp this year near Pondsford, Minnesota. If you would like to read a copy of the local paper's review of the camp written by scoutmaster Steve Borgerding, and see several pictures of the event, then click here!


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