Boy Scout Troop 68, Melrose, MN

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Welcome to the troop 68's
1993 Highlight Gallery!
All pictures on this page are thumb nailed. Click on them for the big picture.


Winter Outing at Parker
Ripley Rendezvous
March Court of Honor
Camp Watchamagumee
Tom Hanson Eagle Court of Honor
May Court of Honor
Bike Trip to Lake Koronis
Summer Camp
Fall Court of Honor
Christmas Party December Court of Honor

Winter Outing at Parker Scout Reservation
February 19-21, 1993

       The trip made the trip to the council's camp, Parker Scout Reservation, for a weekend of winter fun. The guys had plenty of fun in the snow and even tried playing disc golf. Fourteen Scouts participated in the weekend.

Disc gold was a popular activity during the weekend.

Chris cooks up a great breakfast as the other guys watch.

It was a large crew that attended the weekend outing.

CMC's Ripley Rendezvous
March 26-28, 1993

       The Central Minnesota Council and Camp Ripley have been holding working together to hold the Ripley Rendezvous for several decades. Troops from all over the council get together for friendly competition, great demonstrations, and fellowship. The troops sleep in heated barracks and eat in the dining halls. On Saturday night there is a camp-wide show which everyone enjoys.

The guys got to meet Ron Backes, US Olympian, and NCAA Champion Indoor National Champion, at this year's Ripley event.

The guys spent a little time in the barracks between the weekend's events.

Firemen were on hand to give demonstrations on how to put out fires.

Waylon, Brad, and Jay found out what it was like to load and shoot a black power rifle.

The theme of one of the many stations tested the physical fitness of the Scouts.

The Saturday night show featured a ventriloquist who was very funny.

Spring Court of Honor
March 29, 1995

       The troop's spring court of honor was held at the Little Theater at the Melrose High School. It was great to see Scouts receiving ranks and merit badges this early in the year.

Brad received his Second Class Rank.

Waylon received his First Class Rank.

Jason received his Star Rank.

Camp Watchamagumee
April 23-25, 1993

       Camp Watchamagumee is Troop 68's own camp that the Scouts have developed on 40 acres of private land north of melrose. Over the years it has become the Scout's favorite place to go camping. The camp includes a patrol site for each of the patrols, a scoutcraft area, and a campfire program area. The camp was developed along a beaver pond on the south end of the 40 acres.

Chad and Paul work on completing their Totin Chit test.

Ross watches as Waylon and Chris build a fire during a competition.

Even the parents got involved during the evening campfire program.

Tom Hanson's Eagle Court of Honor
May 2, 1993

       Tom Hanson is the troop's fifth Eagle Scout. Tom earned Scouting's highest award when he was only 14 years old. His court of honor was held at the Melrose City Center. Guests included city dignitaries, a state senator, and a former Eagle Scout recipient. Check out the site's Eagle Hall of Fame for more information about Tom Hanson.

Senator Bertram presented Tom with a state resolution.

Tom receives his Eagle Award as his parents stand beside him.

Tom, and his parents, pose for a picture after the ceremony.

Summer Court of Honor
May 31, 1993

       The troop tried something a little different for the summer court of honor. It was held at the city's Lions Park alone the Sauk River. The court of honor followed a pot luck supper which included great food. The troop not only recognized Scouts for their achievements, but also recognized several citizen's and organizations in the community for their support of Scouting through the years.

Brad, Paul, and Josh received their First Class Rank.

Corey, Tom, and Nathan also received awards.

Fran accepted a plaque from the troop for the Lions Club.

Bike Trip
June 25-27, 1993

       Eight troop members participated in this year's bike trip to Lake Koronis Regional Park Campground. The camp is over thirty miles from Melrose and made for a good bike trip. The park includes a great swimming beach, softball fields, a volleyball court, picnic area, and lookout tower. The troop invited other campers to enjoy a campfire program they performed Saturday night.

Corey and Shane are ready for that water fight to begin.

It is time fr the Bugaloo during the Saturday night campfire program.

It was a good crew that attended the biking outing.

Summer Camp
July 11-17, 1993

       Fourteen members of Troop 68 participated in this year's week long summer camp trip to Many Point Scout Camp near Ponsford, Minnesota. Once again, the troop camped in the Tyler campsite at the Buckskin Camp. (It has become tradition to take this campsite, even though it is the furthest one from the dining hall, and at the end of the camp.)
       The Scouts had a great time sailing, swimming, trying archery, shooting 22 rifles, participating in DELTA activities, and earning merit badges. They even learned a few things during the week as they had fun.

Former troop member Scott explains the rules at the sailing beach.

The Scouts helped each other to get over the wall during one activity.

Everyone approved of the food found in the dining hall.

One of the DELTA activities tested the teamwork of the troop in an emergency situation.

The "injured" Scouts pretended to seek help after a plane crash.

Blindfolded Scouts had to move the world as the sighted Scouts yelled directions.

Brian and Josh built a fire on water at the Scoutcraft area.

Tim seems to be standing guard as the troop packs up Saturday morning.

It was a very handsome crew that attended camp this year.

Fall Court of Honor
September 27, 1993

       The fall court of honor is usually the biggest award ceremony of the year. The Scouts receive the merit badges they have earned at summer camp and the ranks they have completed over the last few months. This court of honor was held at the Melrose City Center.

Jay received the rank of Tenderfoot Scout.

Chris received the Second Class Rank.

Jay was awarded his rank of First Class.

Corey recieved the Star Scout Rank.

Tom was awarded his Gold Eagle Palm.

The troop is lead by the SPL in the closing ceremony.

Christmas Party
December 4,  1993

       Troop 68 has held a Christmas party since 1980. The Scouts will watch a couple of movies, exchange gifts, play games, and eat more food then you can shake a stick at. In other words, everyone has a great time. A special thanks goes out to the Defoe family for allowing us to use their basement for the party.

There was a very good turnout for this year's Christmas party.

Josh and Dan seem to be ready as the games begin.

Corey and Josh found Twister to be a fun game to play.

Winter Court of Honor
December 20, 1993

       The winter court of honor is the last function of the troop as it winds down for the Christmas season. The court of honor was held at the Melrose City Center. The annual troop auction, at which the Scouts bid on prizes using their "troop bucks", was held after the court of honor.

The Chuck Taylor Patrol lead the opening ceremony.

Jay received merit badges and his Second Class Rank.

Tom added more merit badges to his already long list of them.

Tom also received his Siver Eagle Palm.

Richard and Steve were the auctioneers.

Bidding was fast and wild on some of the prizes.

Special thanks to Steve Borgerding who provided the pictures used on this page.