Boy Scout Troop 68, Melrose, MN

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Welcome to the troop's
1991 Highlight Gallery!
All pictures on this page are thumb nailed. Click on them for the big picture.
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Winter Camp
Ripley Rendezvous
Rock Climbing
Summer Camp
 Fall Camporee

Winter Camp
February 15-17, 1991

    Once again the troop found itself at Parker Scout Reservation near Merrifield, Minnesota, for its winter outing. This year we rented the trading post building for our shelter. It was pretty much the same as other years, just with other people. In other words, it was fun.

It's meal time at the winter outing and the stoves are frying up some good grub. We hope.

Alright, we'll tie you up using some off our Scout knots and see how long it takes for you to get out.

The young and older members like going on the winter outing to Parker Scout Reservation. Right guys?

Ripley Rendezvous
March 15-17, 1991

    Troop 68 attends the council's Ripley Rendezvous at Camp Ripley National Guard Base every year, almost. It is great staying in the barracks, eating in the dining hall, seeing the various booths, competing in the contests, and meeting other Scouts. And don't forget the great closing show on Saturday night.

Hurry up and get unpacked guys! There are things to do and places to check out.

Several demonstrations and displays were set up through out the barracks.

It was a little chilly this weekend. At least the younger guys look that way.

Rock Climbing
May 17-19, 1991

    Climbing the cliffs of Taylor Falls Minnesota may not seem like a big deal to Scouts who live in the mountainous states of our country, but they are a big deal to us. When you are only 5'-6" tall any 40 foot cliff can be a big deal. And a lot of fun.

Even the shorter cliffs presented they type of challenges to the climbers.

Of course, the big 40'-50' cliffs were the ones all the Scouts wanted to scale.

Everyone needs to eat. But here we discover that making a pancake as large as the pan may not be a good idea.

Summer Camp
July 14-20, 1991

    Many Point Scout Camp, that's the place to be! At least that is how the song is sung. But you know what? Troop 68 agrees. Once again we attended Many Point, and once again we stayed at the Taylor Campsite in the Buckskin Camp. It's the only place for Troop 68 Scouts.

Tyler Campsite, the troop's traditional site. Aren't canvas tents the greatest?

The Buckskin Camp swim beach is a very nice beach, meeting all our needs.

Merit badge work by the Scouts, and letter writing by the adults keeps us busy.

During one of the DELTA games the Scouts had to keep a foot on the magic turtles.

The DELTA games were fun to play and also taught us a few things about teamwork.

A pretty good size crew attended summer camp this year. 17 Scouts, 2 adults.

Fall Camporee
September 20-22, 1991

The District Fall Camporee was not very well attended by troop members, but those of us who attended had a good time. The theme for the weekend was canoeing. We had the chance to canoe a portion of the Mississippi River on Saturday.

Here is our campsite, and our home for the weekend.

A Scout is reverent and attends the weekend services.

Only three Scouts and two adults attended from T68.

Most of the pictures are the property of Steve Borgerding. Please ask for permission before taking them for your own use.
You can contact him through the webmaster of this site.