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Boy Scout Troop 68, Melrose, Minnesota
Philmont Adventure, 1992
Gallery #2

      Philmont Scout Ranch is a magical place that every Scout should have a chance to visit. This trip, in 1992, was the third trip by the Scouts of Melrose Troop 68. These new adventurers also came to understand the Philmont Pledge and what it means to conserve our resources so that we, and future generations, may enjoy them. And you know what else? We had fun learning these things.

On the way to Indian Writings Camp we were treated to some great views of the country.

Every crew must spend some time doing conservation work while at Philmont.

Our conservation project was to improve a small stretch of trail. It was hard and dirty work.

The staff maintains an archaeological dig at Indian Writings Camp.

Of course, not every day is clear and sunshiny at Philmont. A little rain must fall.

Everyone gets their turn at helping with the chores, including doing the dishes.

Spilling your breakfast is not a good idea when you have a limited amount of food.

After breakfast we hit the trail and were off to our next camp.

A couple of the crew took a break while we were at Ponil to play a game of horse shoes.

One of the programs at Pueblano Camp was learning to climb the spars.

After the lesson, the Scouts received the chance to climb the 30' spars.

Another Pueblano program taught us a little about the logging days of the area.

The crew took the Head of Dean Challenge while staying at that camp site.

The challenge included several activities which included teamwork.

The last challenge was the Wall. Read the 1992 journal for more on these challenges.

Mission Statement
Philmont Scout Ranch
The mission of the Philmont Scout Ranch is to achieve the purpose of The Boy Scouts of America and to serve local councils by providing an outstanding High Adventure, training or family experience to older Scouts, Scouters, and family members.

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Note: Pictures are the property of Steve Borgerding and Nathan Blommel, and may not be used without the written consent of Mr. Borgerding. Thank you.